Saturday 5 March 2016

Google Interview Questions

Google Interview Questions
First phone interview was specific questions on what you do at work.

Second phone interview was job situational

Given a dictionary segment, a piece of un-spaced text is used to find meaningful words from it. e.g "makemytrip"-> make my trip

2nd Round :
A design question (don't remember) and another question on adversarial mini-max search

3rd Round :
Write a method to find the next ancestor of a node in a Binary Search Tree.
Write a recursive function to convert Binary Code of a number into its equivalent Gray's code and the other way round.

4th round:
Given two sorted arrays, find the kth minimum element of both.
Given a set of intervals, find the interval which has the maximum number of intersections.

5th round:
This one was focused on previous projects and experience and how good I was at what I had been doing.
Questions asked in different streams

1. Tell me about a situation when you had to multitask.

2. Why do you want to choose Google?

3. Describe a time when you had to tell a client that you couldn't meet a deadline
4. What was the best part you did on the role play?

5. What do you do in your spare time/when not working?

6. Given a list of integers that fall within a known short but unknown range of values, how to find the median value?

7. Out of 10 coins, one weighs less than the others. You have a scale.

    How can you determine which one weighs less in 3 weighs?

    Now how would you do it if you didn't know if the odd coin weighs less or more?

8. Code an application that creates a new thread and exposes a "ping()" method. Whenever ping() is

9. called, the thread prints "Google rocks" once.

10. Write a method to pretty print a binary tree. Don't make any assumptions, i.e. the tree could be highly unbalanced.

11. Given a list of integers that fall within a known short but unknown range of values, how to find the median value?

12. Convert char string to integer.

13. Write a method to pretty print a binary tree. Don't make any assumptions, i.e. the tree could be highly unbalanced.

14. Find occurrences of a number in sorted array (allow duplicates).

15. If integer array used to store big integers (one integer store one digit), implement arithmetic operations

16. In which field do you feel you have an edge?

17. To generate a fibonacci number sequence, and discuss its time and space complexity.

18. To merge two sorted integer arrays.

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