Wednesday 2 March 2016

Accenture previous placement papers - 2

Accenture previous placement papers - 2

1. One dog tells the other that there are two dogs in front of me.The other one also shouts that he too had two behind him. How many are  they?

Answer: 3
So there are 3 dogs.
They are in circle.

2. In the following questions, the following letters indicate mathematical operations as indicated below: 
A: Addition; V: Equal to;  S: Subtraction;  W:Greater than;  M: Multiplication;  X: Less than;  D: Division
Find Out of the four alternatives given in these questions, only one is correct according to the above letter symbols. Identify the correct one.
See the options given below
A) 6 S 7 A 2 M 3 W 0 D 7
B) 6 A 7 S 2 M 3 W 0 A 7
C) 6 S 7 M 2 S 3 W 0 M 7
D) 6 M 7 S 2 A 3 X 0 D
Answer: A
Explanation:By BODMAS rule
6 – 7 + 3 × 2 > 0/7

3. What will be the output of the following code statements?
Integer a = 10, b = 35, c = 5 print (a × b / c) – c
Answer: 65
Apply BODMAS rule
10 × 35 = 3505 =70 –5 =65

4. Usually the room tariff in this hotel is higher. At present, it is low because of the ______ season.
a. peak
b. off
c. down
d. slow
e. full
Answer: b
Because of the Off season.

5. The average number of visitors of a library in the first 4 days of a week was 58. The average for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th days was 60.If the number of visitors on the 1st and 5th days were in the ratio 7:8 then what is the number of visitors on the 5th day of the library?
If number of visitors on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th day are a, b, c, d & e respectively, then
a + b + c + d = 58 × 4 = 232     ----(i) &
b + c + d + e = 60 × 4 = 240     ----(ii)
Subtracting (i) from (ii), e – a = 8 ---(iii)
a/e=7/8 ---(iv)
So from (iii) & (iv) a=56, e=64

6. An exhibition was conducted for 4 weeks. The number of tickets sold in 2nd work week was increased by 20% and increased by 16% in the 3rd work week but decreased by 20% in the 4th work week. Find the number of tickets sold in the beginning, if 1392 tickets were sold in the last week
Answer: 1250
let initially A ticket has been sold.
So now in 2nd week 20% increases so
A × 120100
In 3rd week 16% increases so
A × 120100 × 116100
In 4th week 20% decrease so
A × 120100 × 116100 × 120100 = 1392
A = 1250

7. Limited resolution of early microscopes was one of the reasons of _________ understanding of cells.
1. aided
2. discredited
3. increased
4. contradicted
5. restricted
Answer: 5
it should be restricted because of limited resolution

8. A constructor estimates that 3 people can paint Mr khans house in 4 days. If he uses 4 people instead of 3,how long will they take to complete the job?
Answer: c
Use formula For a work  Members × days = constant
3 × 4 = 4 × a
a  = 3
so answer is 3 days

9. The true discount on Rs. 2562 due 4 months hence is Rs. 122. The rate percent is:
A. 12%
B. 40/3%
C. 15%
D. 14%
Answer: C
Ans. C. 15%
The true discount on Rs. 2562 due 4 months hence is Rs. 122.
Therefore Present Worth is = 2562 – 122 = 2440.
It means that Rs. 122 is interest on Rs. 2440 for 4 months.
Therefore rate percent is = (122 × 100 × 12)/(2440 × 4) = 15%

10. Q is as much younger than R as he is older than T. If the sum of the ages of R and T is 50 years, what is definitely the difference between R and Q's age?
A. 1 year
B. 2 years
C. 25 years
D. Data inadequate
E. None of these
Answer: C
R – Q = Q – T and R + T = 50 which gives Q = 25
As the difference between R & Q and Q & T is same
So Answer is 25 years

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