Sunday 7 February 2016

Introduction To Single Linked List

Introduction To Single Linked List


  • In a single-linked list every element contains some data and a link to the next element(link), which allows to keep the structure.
  • In this type of Linked List two successive nodes are linked together in linear fashion.
  • Each element of the list is called a “node”.
  • First node is called “head” and it’s a dedicated node. By knowing it, we can access every other node in the list. 
  • Last node of the list is called “Tail”,By knowing it we can perform add operation.
  • Each Node contain address of the next node to be followed.
  • In Single Linked List only Linear or Forward Sequential  movement(traversal) is possible.
  • Elements are accessed sequentially, no direct access is allowed.

Structure of single linked list

  • Every node of a singly-linked list contains following information
    • A value (primitive data/user define data).
    • A link to the next element (pointer data).
  • Sketchy, it can be shown like this…
slink structure
Example 1:   primitive data type single lined list
                             struct single_link_list
                                        int data;
                                        struct slink*next;
Example 2:   User define data type single lined list
                              struct emp
                                         int id;
                                         char name[36];
                                          int sal;
                                 struct single_link_list
                                       struct emp data;
                                       struct slink*next;

Single linked list Internal representation

  • In Singly-linked list implementation First node called head and no other node points to it.
  • Link to the head is usually stored its data and information of next data structure(Next link). For empty list, head initial value is set to “NULL”.
  • in Single linked list Last node called “Tail” usually stored its data and Next link data value is set to “NULL” because it is terminal node.
  • Below you can see another picture, which shows the whole singly-linked list internal representation..
single linked list structure_image2

 Operations on Single Linked List

  • Adding node
  • Inserting  node
  • node Count
  • Traversal
  • Deletion node
  • Updating node data

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