Saturday 29 August 2015

Common Job Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers

1. Tell me about yourself?

The most commonly asked question in interviews. You need to have a short& brief statement prepared in your mind even before you go for the interview. Be careful that it does not sound rehearsed. Limit it to work-related items unless instructed. Talk about things you have done and jobs, internships, workshops you have held that relate to the position you are interviewed for. Start with the item oldest back and work up to the present.

2. Why did you leave your last job? (If you have joined and left a job before completing 6 months)
First advice is never quit a job before completing a year or so, it shows your stability and commitment. Always stay positive regardless of the circumstances. Never refer to a major problem with management and never speak ill of supervisors, co-workers or the organization. If you do, you will be the one looking bad. Keep smiling and talk about leaving for a positive reason such as an opportunity, a chance to do something special or other forward-looking reasons.

3. What experience do you have in this field?

Speak about specifics that relate to the position you are applying for. If you do not have any specific experience, try to get as close as you can. As a fresher you may not have much exposure to experience in any specific field but you can define your projects, seminars, workshops, internships, trainings etc. related to the Job Opportunity.

4. Do you consider yourself successful?
As a fresher you are new to the job industry; you should always answer YES and briefly explain why. A good explanation is that, you have set goals, and you have met some and are on track to achieve the others. OR you may also say that, I have goals of expertizing in certain field and once given a chance will prove myself successful.

5. What do co-workers say about you? (This is only if you have worked, this may also relate to your batch mates in college)
Be prepared with a quote or two from co-workers or batch mates. Either a specific statement or a paraphrase will work. Jill Clark, a co-worker at Smith Company, always said I was the hardest workers she had ever known. It is as powerful as Jill having said it at the interview herself.

6. What do you know about this organization?

This question is one important question every interview would ask to test your commitment and seriousness about the opportunity you have. Ensure you do some research on the organization before the interview. Find out where they have been and where they are going. What are the current issues and who are the major players?

7. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?

Try to include improvement activities that relate to the job. A wide variety of activities can be mentioned as positive self-improvement. Have some good ones on your finger tip to mention.

8. Are you applying for other jobs?

Be honest but do not spend a lot of time mentioning details of those jobs. Keep the focus on this job and what you can do for this organization. Any other details may be a distraction and can take your objective of getting through the current job out of track.

9. Why do you want to work for this organization?

This may take some thought and certainly, should be based on the research you have done on the organization. Sincerity is very important here and will easily be used. Ensure you relate it to your long-term career goals.

10. Do you know anyone who works for us?
Ensure you are aware of the policy on relatives working for the same organization. Be careful to mention a friend only if they are well thought of.

11. What kind of salary do you need?
Ah! A overburdened question which you would really want to answer but beware this is a smart little game that, you will probably lose if you answer first. So, do not answer it. Instead, say something like, that’s a tough question. Can you tell me the range for this position and level at <Company Name>? In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not, you can say that “I guess the salary can be depending upon the job roles and responsibilities. Then give a wide range. Alarm! Don’t mention a fixed amount.

12. Are you a team player?

YES! Is what you have to say! Ensure to have examples ready. Mention situations or scenarios that express you often perform for the good of the team rather than for yourself.  This would be a good evidence of your team attitude. Do not boast; just say it in a matter-of-fact tone. Keep it to the point. As a fresher the best would to describe your effort as a team worker when you do your projects in academics.

13. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

This is a question where you need to answer very carefully. Be prepared to answer this question smartly and confidently. You could say “I look forward to a long time stay and grow along with the company” Or “As long as we both feel I am doing a good job”.

14. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization?

You should be anxious and excited to answer this question. It gives you the opportunity to highlight your best points as they relate to the position being discussed. Give a little in-depth thought to this relationship.

15. Why should we hire you?

You need to point out how your assets meet and relate them to the organization needs. Beware do not compare while you answer this question.

16. What is your greatest strength?

Several answers are definitely good; just ensure you stay positive when you speak. A few good examples: ability to prioritize, problem-solving skills, ability to work under pressure, ability to focus on projects,  professional expertise,  leadership skills, positive attitude and many more to add to this.

18. Tell me about your dream job?

Stay away from a definite job. You cannot win. If you say the job you are challenging for is it, you strain credibility. If you say another job is it, you plant the doubt that you will be dissatisfied with this position if hired. The best is to stay inherent and say something like: “My dream job would be where I love the work, like the people, can contribute and love to get to work every morning.”

19. Why do you think you would do well at this job?

Ensure you mention several reasons and include skills, experience and interest.

20. What are you looking for in a job?

You just need to speak the recipe of the icing on the cake and not the cake. Stay away from a specific answer.  They may be some answers where you may land-up straining your own credibility; which might affect your chances of getting hired. The best is to stay inherent and say something like: “My dream job would be where I love the work, like the people, can contribute and love to get to work every morning.”

21. What is more important to you: the money or the work?

You can always say: both are important and they go hand in hand i.e. work to enhance and build your career path and money to assist you financially. OR you may say: Money is always important, but the work is the most important. There is no better answer than this.

22. What motivates you to do your best on the job?

This is a personal trait that only you can say, but good examples are: Challenge, Achievement and Recognition.

23. Are you willing to work overtime?
This is up to you. Be totally honest.

24. Would you be willing to relocate if required?
This is an answer you should know even before you get to an interview. You should be clear on this with your family prior to the interview if you think there is a chance it may come up. Be very honest and simply do not agree just to get the job if you know that you cannot relocate. This can create a lot of problems later on in your career.

25. What qualities do you look for in a boss?

Never speak out in a hurry, think before you speak and ensure you are very generic & positive. Some answers could be:  knowledgeable, a good sense of humor, fair, loyal to subordinates, appreciates work and holder of high standards.

26. Do you have any questions for me?

It’s always better to have some questions prepared. Question can be: How soon will I be able to be productive? Or Will I get a hand on training before I get productive? Or what type of projects will I be able to assist on? Etc. Ensure your questions are related to the job opportunity.

                 HR interview questions and answers



HR interview questions and answers for senior executives

1. Assuming that you are selected, what will be your strategy for next 60 days?

If I am selected for this position, I’ll use my initial 60 days in understanding my role carefully in terms of the contribution to the business and increasing the overall profitability. I’ll sit with my line manager and other juniors to understand what has already been done and what its impact has been. From there on, I’ll formulate my strategy to growth in close conjunction with managers and see that it is properly implemented.

2. How would you improve upon our product/ company?

Since I’d be coming from an altogether new environment, I am bound to possess a new perspective towards everything here including the company, product, customers, environment, strategy etc. This will enable me to constructively question things which anyone else here might not do. This will help in improving the things and making the product & company better.
Having worked closely with product development team I understand how the research for product development is carried out and how is customer requirement analysed; I’d be able to provide a value addition there too.

3. Don’t you think, you are overqualified for this position?

You might feel that I possess more degrees than you require for this position. But, I believe that I grow everyday when I talk to my staff, customers and superiors. So, basically the learning process continues through out the life – I don’t think I am over qualified.

4. Have you ever had a problem with your peer? Can you give us an example?

Yes, it happened once. I was quite friendly with a colleague of mine from the other department. While talking to him during the lunch hour, I casually told him about the new marketing strategy that the marketing team was thinking about. He mentioned it to his boss and that caused a lot of confusion between the two departments. This taught me a lesson that you must not discuss any departmental strategies with anyone from other department unless you have been authorised by your boss.
Approach to answer HR interview questions
HR Interview Questions - Infosys
HR interview questions for freshers - TCS
Interview questions for HR Professionals

5. I see, there’s some gap in your work history. Why?

Yes, I was feeling exhausted after years of non-stop work. So, I decided to take a break and spend some time with my family on a rejuvenating vacation. I am happy to have returned fully recharged.

6. Can you tell us something about your previous boss?

All my bosses possessed some skills worth learning. I have always tried to learn something new from them including my previous boss.

7. Is there anything that you do not like about your last or current job?

I was quite enthusiastic while joining my last job. Towards the end, the number of challenges and opportunity to grow further started diminishing. A challenge loving and growth oriented person like me doesn’t enjoy this.

8.Have there been instances, when your decision was challenged by your colleague or manager?

Yes, there have been many such instances. I like people who challenge my decisions rather than following me blindly. This keeps me ensured that I am surrounded by thinking brains rather than just a set of dumb followers.
When someone challenges your decisions, you are bound to rethink over it and the chances of reaching the best option are brighter.

9. If you are allowed to change one thing about your last job, what would it be?

I have been working at a senior level since last many years. These roles have always needed me to make real time decisions. Sometimes the facts, figures and other information in real time cases are not complete & still we have to make a decision. In such cases, there exists a probability of making inaccurate decisions.

Knowing this, I usually run down my old decisions to see the outcome. It makes sure that I don’t repeat a mistake ever again in future. While carrying out one such exercise, I realised that the product promotion strategy that I recommended would have been different, if I had had the complete data and figures but there was no way to get them in real time.

10. How long can you commit to work with us?

I like new challenges and a chance to grow. As long I keeping getting these, I don’t think I’ll need to switch over. I’d like to believe that this relationship lasts for many years. However, I haven’t set a time limit as such.

11. You seem to be drawing a good salary. Will you be OK in taking a salary cut?

I believe that at one point of time in career salary becomes secondary and self actualisation become more important. While taking up any new job, it will be my priority to ensure that the work culture, chances to contribute and grow are sufficient along with the money I am paid. I also believe that any good company who cares about its employees ensures that they are paid well.

12. What is your expected salary?

I believe that an ideal remuneration for any position recognises the ability, rewards the performance and provides the employee an opportunity to indulge in his hobbies and passions. I am sure that this company also takes care of these.

13. Would you like to ask us anything?

I would like to know about the career growth I can expect being with this company. I am quite an ambitious person and this information will be helpful.


1. Tell us something about yourself.

This is the first question, you can expect during any interview you face. This usually is a question to start the communication and set the ball rolling for the interview. You can answer this question by providing some information about your work experience, technologies you have worked upon, educational qualifications. If you are a fresh graduate, you can provide some information about your family also.
The trick is to put the full stop at the right place to provoke the next question you want. For e.g. “Recently I developed a website using Drupal. It was quite an interesting but challenging job which I enjoyed.”

2. Why do you consider yourself a suitable candidate for this position?

The answer to this question lies in the preparation you did before the interview. It is extremely important that you research the requirements of the position well and match them with your skills.
For e.g. if the position requires an developer with good knowledge of health care domain, tell the interviewer about your technical skills and your domain knowledge.
Fresh graduates can talk about their technical skills, ability to learn and grasp things quickly.

3. Why do you want to leave your present job or company?

You may want to leave your present job for any reason but make sure that you do not talk bad about your manager, company or job. It reflects your complaining attitude.
Provide a sincere reason for e.g. “I think, I have grown up with my last employer as much as I could. I want to grow further and I believe that is possible with a new employer.”

4. You have stayed in your current job for quite a long time, why?

There are many people who do not change their jobs for years and when they go out looking for a new employer, this is one of the most important questions they are asked. Some people might look upon staying with the same employer for long as “lack of ambition”.
A good answer to this question can be something like, “Yes, you are right. I stayed with my last employer for almost 5 years but I was continuously growing in the company, doing new things, handling bigger challenges. So, I was quite happy working with them for these many years.” You can then talk about how you grew with your last employer.

5. What do you know about us?

Research the company and its business a bit before appearing for the interview. Also, find out a bit about the technologies they work upon. You don’t need to know everything inside out but having a fair idea about the company makes you appear interested in the position, to be taken seriously.
For e.g. I see that your company does a lot of projects based on OpenSource platforms like Joomla, Drupal, Magento which is quite interesting as I have a similar kind of experience.

6. What do you do to improve your knowledge?

The field of IT is very revolutionary. It is extremely important to keep yourself abreast with the new technological developments and this needs you to take some time out of your work schedule so that you can keep sharpening your saw.
To answer this question, you can tell the recruiter about the forums which you keep visiting, blogs which you keep reading. It will be an advantage if you are a member of some local user group.

7. Can you perform under pressure?

Most of the times, the job of software development is that of working under pressure. Sometimes, it will be the pressure of delivering on time while it can be that of a bug that has sprung all of a sudden in your code.
So, expect pressure in everything you do. It is important to maintain your performance and develop strategies to deliver under pressure. You can then go ahead an talk about your way of dealing with pressure and performing under it.

8. Tell us some of your strengths.

Again, it is important to study the requirements of the position before you appear for the interview. List out your strengths and offer the ones that this role demands.
For e.g. if you are appearing for the position of a Tech Lead –, talk about your skills, any extra knowledge which you have about coding with in comparison to other candidates, your team management skills etc.

9. Tell us some of your weaknesses.

You have to be careful while answering this question. Do not offer a weakness which will directly affect your selection but at the same time saying that you do not have any weakness will not be right too. Every human being has weaknesses, so it is perfectly OK for you to have some too.
The best way to answer this question will be to turn one of your strengths as a weakness and say that others accuse you of having this weakness but you think it is important to work in this manner. For e.g.: “My colleagues accuse me of paying to much attention to syntaxes but I believe it is important when you are writing the code to avoid spending too much time on finding and fixing the bugs later on.”
Another way to answer this question is to offer a totally un-related weakness for e.g. “I have been staying alone for so many years now but I still can’t cook independently.”

10. Are you comfortable working in a team?

The whole work of software development or IT is a team work. So, the only answer to this question can be: “Yes, I am comfortable working in a team.” If you have any problems in working as a team, it is important to work on them and develop yourself as a team player.

11. How do you rate your communication skills?

Again, IT is about dealing with people within and out of the company. So, it is important to have good communication skills. By good communication skills we mean, ability to understand and explain in a common language. So, if you believe that your communication skills are weaker, you need to work on them.
Anything less than average or good is not acceptable here.

12. You do not have all the experience we need for this position?

It is not possible for a candidate to have all the experience an employer requires. Even if you match yourself up to the expectations on technical front, there will be some difference in the work environment. And, it is absolutely fine.
The best way to deal with this question is to analyse the requirements of the position well and match your skills as close to them as possible. If something is still left untouched, offer your quick grasping power and ability to learn quickly as a solution & back it up with an example from the past.

13. How would you compensate for the lack of experience you have for this position?

As we discussed in the last question, your ability to understand and pick up new things quickly should be able to compensate for the lack of work experience you have.

14. If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for in a potential candidate?

Closely understand the qualities and skills a person holding the position would need and match them with the qualities you have.
If you believe that you are missing a big quality required for the position under discussion, say that, “I understand that this is an important quality required in the person holding this position but given a chance, I will inculcate it in me.” Back it up with a confident body language.

15. Do you know anyone who works for us?

Offer some one’s name if they really know you well and can offer a positive feedback about you.

16. What is your style of management?

In today’s scenario, everything needs customization, so here also, one size can’t fit all i.e. one management style won’t work in all situations. So, offer “situational” as your style of management.

17. Have you ever fired anyone? How would you go about firing a person, if required?

The basic purpose of asking this question is to check your EQ and see if you have the guts to make tough decisions. If you have fired anyone in the past, discuss your experience and approach. If you have never done so in the past, discuss the approach you would take to make and implement such a decision. Keep the focus of your answer on the fact that you would try to do your best to ensure that your team performs to its best but if a particular member is not able to perform even after you taking all the steps to help him, you would make the tough decision to ensure that the project doesn’t suffer.

18. What irritates you about co-workers?

The purpose of this question is to see how well you can fit into a team. Basically, you should not have a problem with a person, although you can have a problem with the style of working.
So, to answer this question you can simply say, “I understand that IT is about team work, so we can’t afford to problems with co-workers but if someone is not serious about their work or does a low quality work affecting the whole project, I definitely do not like it”

19. Is there any particular kind of person you can not work with?

For the reason given in the above questions, the answer to this question should be a “No”. This is basically a different way of putting up the last question.

20. What qualities would you look for in your senior?

You can mention some generic qualities like intelligence, good sense of humour, dedicated to his team etc., which all the managers think that they have in abundance.

21. What motivates you at work?

To answer this question, you can mention things like – new challenges, good environment which all employers think that they offer.

22. Will you be happy to work in night shifts or over the weekends?

You need to answer this question taking into consideration what is suitable for you. Say that you can work in the night shifts, only if you can really do it.

23. Have you ever committed a mistake at work?

To err is human. So, it is perfectly OK if you committed a mistake at work but before answering the question analyse the magnitude of mistake you did and the effect it had on the company.
What is more important is – what did you do to rectify the mistake and make sure that you don’t do it again?
So, mention the mistake you committed and keep the focus of the answer on the steps you took to rectify it.

24. What position would you prefer while working on a project?

This question is for you to answer based on the skills and qualities you have. If you have the capability to handle different positions, discuss that also in the interview.

25. What are the most important things for you as a manager?

The two things which should be most important for a manager to succeed in his role are:
a.) His team should be happy and keep performing
b.) The project he is working on with his team is successfully finished with minimum problems.

26. Will you be happy to re-locate, if required?

Again, a question for you to answer based on your position. If you are anticipating this question in the interview, it is better to discuss this with your family also before you go to face the interview.

27. What kind of a salary are you looking for?

Try to put the ball back in interviewer’s court by asking him about the salary they offer for a position like this. Most of the big companies will have a fixed remuneration for each level.
However, if this is negotiable, you will have more negotiation power if you have some work experience. So, know your lower limit (amount below which you can’t go) and also know the maximum salary in the industry for the position then put forward a figure which is not very exact. It is better to mention a range. For e.g. if you are expecting something around 55 K, say that you expect something in mid fifties. Don’t keep the range to broad otherwise you will be offered something towards the lower end.
If you are a fresher, most of the times you will have to accept the company’s offering for the position. However, if you find it too less, you can definitely discuss that during the interview.

28. Do you have any questions for us?

This is usually the last question you can expect during an interview. It is extremely important to have some intelligent questions to ask the interviewer otherwise you may just sound dull and un-interested. Research the company a bit and discuss if they have been in news recently. You can also discuss about the growth prospects for you within the company etc.

29. Discuss the most stressful situation you came across in your previous job.

Here you should discuss a stressful situation that you were able to overcome and keep a positive tone, do not say you never came across a stressful situation. Typical answers can be:
-Our team’s targets were increased three fold and initially everyone was overwhelmed by the number, but we discussed it with our manager and he was co-operative and understood the situation. But he wanted us to give it a try and was ready to reduce the targets to a more realistic number.
-You can also talk about a very demanding project where you worked for long hours/2 shifts and had to sacrifice on family time, but once the project was done you got recognition for the hard work and you were over the stress.

30. For how long do you expect to stay with our organization?

You should ensure that you give an impression that you will pay back more than what you take from the company:
-You can say I will stay here as far as I see an opportunity for growth, as I am looking for a stability in work place
-If they stress on number of years say 3-4 years, and more if I can explore new challenges/growth opportunities

31. Why should we hire you?

-Here you should discuss the profile you have applied for and your strengths/experience with which you can add value to the job
-Discuss your achievements at your previous job, and say that I have developed my skills to suit my current profile, but I want to develop myself futher and face new challenges, and for that I need to change my job.
- I will always be willing to change roles share responsibilities to suit company requirements

32. Discuss your strengths

Discuss strengths that show your professional expertise, some of the answers could be:
-Multi tasking: Say I have been working on mulitple project and I am required to keep tabs on each project and co-ordinate with a lot of teams, and I am able to do it efficiently.
-Problem Solving: You can say that in my current job role I have spent a good time to know how to solve problems. My team members see me as a go-to person to solve issues.
-Team player
-Quick learner
Support each point with your examples

33. Discuss your weaknesses and how do you plan to overcome it

Discuss weaknesses in positive light always discuss how you plan to overcome it, some of the answers could be:
-I am always willing to take up additional responsibilities, but I end up being over worked so now I am realistic about what I can do, so that I do work to the required standards
-If you lack certain technical skill, which is not crucial for the job you can state that and say you are planning to take up a training course/certification to get over it
-If you do not wish to discuss your weakness, you can say, I cannot compete with Rajnikant :P

34. What is your idea of an ideal company?

Do not go over board and ask for , it might give an impression that you are too demanding, some of the answers could be:
-An ideal company provides maximum opportunities for growth of employees.
-They provide comfortable and flexible work environment, so that employees can perform at their best and work towards company’s benefit.
-A company that encourages learning
-A company that encourages open culture

35. Why are you leaving your previous job?

Do not go around defaming your company, it will give a bad impression about you.
Give reasons such as:
-Professional Growth
-New challenges
-Change in profile
-Planning to relocate (if applicable)
-With time I found my job was becoming monotonous and I didn’t want this to have any impact on the job I was doing for my employer
-I am not actively looking for a job change but, I saw this opening and it looked interesting.

36. Tell us something about your achievements at your previous job.

-Talk about your professional acheivements, if you were recognised as a high performer or you got good feedback from your manager
-You can also discuss you annual ratings
-Discuss your promotions/appraisals

37. Tell us what do you know about our company

-Browse through the company website and make sure you know what the company does and make sure you do so in short
-Discuss the positives aspects of the company, the interviewer should feel that you have done your home work
10. Why do you want to work for us?
-Start by discussing the profile you have applied for and go on to say that the organization would provide an opportunity to enhance your knowledge and help you to grow professionally
-Discuss how you would be of use to the organization and how you plan to develop your professional competencies

38. Are you willing to relocate/travel?

-Always say yes if you need the job
-You can ask whether they will compensate for relocation costs

39. Are you a good team player?

Companies look for team players as well as those who are self starters and can work independently, so you need to be versatile:
-You should show that you enjoy working in a team. Say that you are open to suggestions from team members and seniors.
-It is always good to work in a team as one can get the support of other members and in times of crisis everyone can work together to achieve the goal.

40. Can you work independently?

-Yes, I can work independently without supervision or support from a team
Do not emphasize on working independently as that will be seen as an inability to work with others.

41. Do you have any questions for us?

Always have a question ready to answer this one:
-You can ask whether the company allows for lateral and vertical role changes
-You can also ask whether the company encourages learning and development of employees
-Ask whether the company has plans for expansion
-You can also discuss your role in detail

42. Are you willing to work for long hours, if the project demands that from you?

-Discuss situations when you must have done so to fulfill project requirements in the past

43. What is your current CTC and what are your expectations?

-Be honest about your CTC, as you will have to produce you salary slip as a proof of emplyment
-Be realistic when you state your expected CTC, you can ask for a 30-40% hike
-If you are underpaid at your current company you can look for the standard salary paid for the experience you have and ask for that amount

44. Are you planning to go for further studies?

Be transparent in your answer.
-If you are pursuing further studies, say so. Tell them why you want to go for that course
-If you are taking up a distance education course or a part time course, they should know, as you will need to take leaves when you appear for exams

45. Tell us something about yourself, discuss 5 characteristics

List down points that will help you professionally:
-Hard working
-Multi tasker
-Add your characteristcs

46. Tell us something about your hobbies

Answer it with honesty, as they can go deeper into this discussion. You can include:
-Browsing the internet
-Listening to music,
-Chatting with friends
-Reading newspapers,
-Reading books,
-Watching movies….

47. What is more important to you money or success?

This is tricky question, as money and success both are important and you cannot outweigh the importance of one over the other. Personally you might prefer money over success or success over money, but it is better to be neutral when answering this question in an interview:
You can say, that money and success both are important for you, but if you have to choose you would choose success. The reason being, if one is successful money often follows and you need not focus on money over success..

Tuesday 4 August 2015



SQL Injection is one of the many web attack mechanisms used by hackers to steal data from organizations. It is perhaps one of the most common application layer attack techniques used today. It is the type of attack that takes advantage of improper coding of your web applications that allows hacker to inject SQL commands into say a login form to allow them to gain access to the data held within your database.

In essence, SQL Injection arises because the fields available for user input allow SQL statements to pass through and query the database directly.

SQL Injection: An In-Depth Explanation

Web applications allow legitimate website visitors to submit and retrieve data to/from a database over the Internet using their preferred web browser. Databases are central to modern websites – they store data needed for websites to deliver specific content to visitors and render information to customers, suppliers, employees and a host of stakeholders. User credentials, financial and payment information, company statistics may all be resident within a database and accessed by legitimate users through off-the-shelf and custom web applications. Web applications and databases allow you to regularly run your business.

SQL Injection is the hacking technique which attempts to pass SQL commands (statements) through a web application for execution by the backend database. If not sanitized properly, web applications may result in SQL Injection attacks that allow hackers to view information from the database and/or even wipe it out.

Such features as login pages, support and product request forms, feedback forms, search pages, shopping carts and the general delivery of dynamic content, shape modern websites and provide businesses with the means necessary to communicate with prospects and customers. These website features are all examples of web applications which may be either purchased off-the-shelf or developed as bespoke programs.

These website features are all susceptible to SQL Injection attacks which arise because the fields available for user input allow SQL statements to pass through and query the database directly.

SQL Injection: A Simple Example

Take a simple login page where a legitimate user would enter his username and password combination to enter a secure area to view his personal details or upload his comments in a forum.

When the legitimate user submits his details, an SQL query is generated from these details and submitted to the database for verification. If valid, the user is allowed access. In other words, the web application that controls the login page will communicate with the database through a series of planned commands so as to verify the username and password combination. On verification, the legitimate user is granted appropriate access.

Through SQL Injection, the hacker may input specifically crafted SQL commands with the intent of bypassing the login form barrier and seeing what lies behind it. This is only possible if the inputs are not properly sanitised (i.e., made invulnerable) and sent directly with the SQL query to the database. SQL Injection vulnerabilities provide the means for a hacker to communicate directly to the database.

The technologies vulnerable to this attack are dynamic script languages including ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, JSP, and CGI. All an attacker needs to perform an SQL Injection hacking attack is a web browser, knowledge of SQL queries and creative guess work to important table and field names. The sheer simplicity of SQL Injection has fuelled its popularity.

What Is The Impact Of SQL Injection?

Once an attacker realizes that a system is vulnerable to SQL Injection, he is able to inject SQL Query / Commands through an input form field. This is equivalent to handing the attacker your database and allowing him to execute any SQL command including DROP TABLE to the database!

An attacker may execute arbitrary SQL statements on the vulnerable system. This may compromise the integrity of your database and/or expose sensitive information. Depending on the back-end database in use, SQL injection vulnerabilities lead to varying levels of data/system access for the attacker. It may be possible to manipulate existing queries, to UNION (used to select related information from two tables) arbitrary data, use subselects, or append additional queries.

In some cases, it may be possible to read in or write out to files, or to execute shell commands on the underlying operating system. Certain SQL Servers such as Microsoft SQL Server contain stored and extended procedures (database server functions). If an attacker can obtain access to these procedures, it could spell disaster.

Unfortunately the impact of SQL Injection is only uncovered when the theft is discovered. Data is being unwittingly stolen through various hack attacks all the time. The more expert of hackers rarely get caught.

Example Of A SQL Injection Attack

Here is a sample basic HTML form with two inputs, login and password.

<form method="post" action="">

<input name="tfUName" type="text" id="tfUName">

<input name="tfUPass" type="password" id="tfUPass">


The easiest way for the login.asp to work is by building a database query that looks like this:


FROM logins

WHERE username = '$username'

AND password = '$password'

If the variables $username and $password are requested directly from the user's input, this can easily be compromised. Suppose that we gave "Joe" as a username and that the following string was provided as a password: anything' OR 'x'='x


FROM logins

WHERE username = 'Joe'

AND password = 'anything' OR 'x'='x'

As the inputs of the web application are not properly sanitised, the use of the single quotes has turned the WHERE SQL command into a two-component clause.

The 'x'='x' part guarantees to be true regardless of what the first part contains.

This will allow the attacker to bypass the login form without actually knowing a valid username / password combination!

How Do I Prevent SQL Injection Attacks?

  1. Firewalls and similar intrusion detection mechanisms provide little defense against full-scale web attacks. Since your website needs to be public, security mechanisms will allow public web traffic to communicate with your databases servers through web applications. Isn't this what they have been designed to do?
  2. Patching your servers, databases, programming languages and operating systems is critical but will in no way the best way to prevent SQL Injection Attacks.